Types of ear drops and why we use them.

Why do we use ear drops before an ear wax removal?
If you have had, or have recently booked an ear wax removal appointment, the specialist most likely asked you to use some form of ear drop between three and seven days before the appointment time. It’s important to understand why you are asked to do this, and essentially, it’s to make the removal process easier and safer. The use of ear drops is usually to soften the ear wax which makes it easier to remove. You may have been asked to use an oil based ear drop or a peroxide ear drop. I will discuss these both in more detail below.
Oil based ear drops
Oil based ear drops are the most common ear drop and this is usually the drop you will need to use and be asked to use by an audiology professional. Oil drops consist of olive oil, almond oil and almost any other type of oil (not motor oil!). This doesn’t mean you should put cooking oil in your ears, these drops are a bit more specialised and can be purchased over the counter in pharmacies and most supermarkets. Oil drops are great for hydrating the ear canal and soaking into any hardened ear wax that may be in your ears, and it quickly softens the wax over the course of three to seven days. These drops are sometimes recommended to use after an ear wax removal process to reduce any irritation or itchiness. It is important to note that with these drops, you should ensure you are not allergic to the type of oil inside them.
Peroxide ear drops.
This type of ear drop usually contains a small, concentrated amount of hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is a weak acid that can sometimes be recommended before ear wax removal. Typically, if your audiology professional has already attempted an ear wax removal and has deemed the wax within your ears to be too solid, dry and hard and prior oil-based drop use has not been successful. The hydrogen peroxide ear drop can only be used for a short period of time, refer to the bottle for detailed instructions. The weak acid within the ear drop helps to break down the ear wax and can cause the ear wax to separate into smaller pieces and help to soften it and make it easier for removal. Hydrogen peroxide ear drops are effective but can be quite abbraisive and can lead to irritation in your ear canals therefore it is only suggested to use these products if advised to. Once again they are available over the counter at most supermarkets and pharmacies.
Conclusion of ear drops.
Ear drops are a very important step of your ear wax removal journey as it makes the removal process easier on your ears and quicker in the long run. Please always follow the guidance of your audiology professional to ensure the healthiest recommendation. z