The Importance of Protecting Your Hearing from Loud Noises

IntroductionHearing loss is a gradual process, and one of the most common causes is exposure to loud noises. Whether from work environments, concerts, or daily activities, prolonged exposure to high noise levels can damage your hearing over time. Fortunately, protecting your hearing is simple and effective. At Delooze Hearing, we understand how vital it is to […]
The Importance of Regular Ear Health Checks and How They Can Improve Your Quality of Life

IntroductionOur ears play a vital role in our day-to-day lives, helping us communicate, enjoy music, and stay aware of our surroundings. However, many people overlook the importance of maintaining ear health until problems arise. Regular ear health checks are an essential part of keeping your ears in top condition and preventing future issues. At Delooze Hearing, […]
Types of ear drops, and why we use them.

Types of ear drops and why we use them. Why do we use ear drops before an ear wax removal? If you have had, or have recently booked an ear wax removal appointment, the specialist most likely asked you to use some form of ear drop between three and seven days before the appointment time. […]
Ear candling, should you do it?

Is ear candling safe? Ear candling is a method of ear wax removal that dates back to the ancient greeks, but just because its been a key moment in historic health should we really still be following it today? Ear candling, a common method called Hopi Ear Candles involves a hollow tube usually containing cotton […]
Hearing loss and other conditions.

How hearing loss links to other conditions Did you know that hearing loss can affect multiple areas of a persons life as well as conditions that can lead to hearing loss?Staying on top of your hearing health is essential, if you are ever concerned about your hearing, get in touch with a hearing professional.Home visit […]
Airplane ear, what is it.

Airplane Ear During the holiday seasons travelling abroad via airplane is very common and in some cases it’s the only way to travel to your destination. If you are a frequent flyer, you have most likely experienced airplane ear. During the take off and landing period you may have experienced a rapid change in pressure […]
Learn more about tinnitus

Let’s learn about tinnitus. Tinnitus is usually described by patients as a ringing, buzzing, whooshing, whistling or similar noise in one or both ears. The sound heard has no external source and cannot be heard by another person. Patients who experience tinnitus usually describe it as annoying and or distracting as depending on how loud […]
How to keep your ears clean at home

How to keep your ears clean When it comes to keeping our ears clean, it really is a simple part of your existing routine. Your ears are self-cleaning, they clean themselves using a process that pushes dead skin and wax out of the ear canal. This is why you may find earwax around the outside […]
You should never stick anything smaller than your elbow in your ear!

The dangers of putting objects like cotton buds in your ears.